Urgam Valley (Devgram & Basa Village)
rgam Valley is a collection of villages, small valleys and Hindu pilgrimage all tucked away, approximately 100 Kms before southern Indian-Tibetan Border in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. The plants usually grow moderately tall around 10-14 ft. with extreme side branching and narrow leaflets. Plants definitely have much less of a stalky hemp look which is seen in some lowland varieties from Kumaon region of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh as well.
30° North.
Flowering Outdoors:
Late Oct to Early Nov.
Pest Resistance:
Very Good.
2021-22 Selections.
Tall 12-14 ft. Christmas Tree like structure.
Floral, cherry and musky berry like smells. The fruity smells can be smelled in combination with pine, floral, spice and incense.
Induces a mellow high with balanced effects between body and mind. Euphoric and mildly relaxing, which can be felt in the muscles and around the body.
Seed Count: 10 Regular Seeds