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Neville's Haze
  • Neville's Haze

    15 Regular Seeds

    Heritage: Neville's Haze

    Description: A tribute to the father of all modern seed companies, Neville Schoenmakers. There is something very special about this 3/4 sativa that those in the know will recognize once they smell the end product. It can be difficult to know what to base your selective reasoning on, but the plants that go longer than 16 weeks indoor may not be of any practical value to indoor cultivators. A tip for those who do find a long flowering plant they wish to keep; clones usually finish 2-3 weeks earlier than the seed mother plant. This technique may give the grower an opportunity to finish something that normally needs the tropics to grow in. The full flavor is sativa all the way, so for you Indica lovers this plant will not be for you! It was made by combining a pure Haze to an NL5/Haze, thus creating probably one of the most influential plants of our time; certainly for flavor, aroma and effect. It is a must grow if you are within 10' of the equator for outdoor cultivation, but indoor would be recommended in other regions. All seed companies owe the ground work and origins of modern cultivars to Nevil. Like the man himself... the legend grows!

    Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics

    Family Breed: Nl5/HazeA x HazeC

    Breeder: Shantibaba's

    Preferred Medium: Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse

    Expected Yield: Indoors it depends on the grower but expect 400 g/m2, outdoors and greenhouse it can become something from Jack and the Bean stalk, be warned.

    Flowering Period: Indoors you should select anything that goes up until 16 weeks flowering time and kill any others as they are not practical for indoor rooms. The north hemisphere will be difficult for this plant only southern Europe like Italy, Spain, Portugal would allow this plant to finish by December while in the southern hemisphere it will take until June.

    Recommendations: For the experienced growers to the most advanced cultivators. A highly valued end product from the past.

    Special Notes: For most people older than 40 , this plant will bring back long lost flavors of the passed. It is probably the closest thing to a pure sativa(3/4 sativa) that will herald results in an indoor room without taking longer than Moses took to find the land of Milk and Honey!



      © 2021 by PHENO PARADISE. 

      By purchasing from Pheno Paradise Seedbank, you acknowledge that Seeds and Hemp Products are federally legal under the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill. You confirm that you are over 21 years of age and are fully responsible for understanding and complying with your local laws regarding these products. By placing an order, you agree to release Pheno Paradise Seedbank from any liability, as all seeds and products are sold strictly for novelty purposes, research, or souvenir preservation. Pheno Paradise Seedbank does not condone or encourage any illegal activity.

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